LF Dip Meter
No real technical difficulty. Simply use a suitable (large) inductance
and it will probably work.
However, there is a very real practical difficulty. The tuning capacitor
in a Dip meter designed for 1.5Mhz and up, will provide a very small
coverage at LF and the dip may be hard to identify. You will require a
lot of coils to get continuous coverage. This might be OK if you are
working at narrow range of spot frequencies and the circuits under test
are reasonably close to the spot frequency to begin with.
In message , Andreu
I have several small measuring instruments in my shack, but I have
always been unable to find plans to build a DIP METER for use in
LF Freqs. I already have a LEADER DM that begins at 1.5 Mhz but I
would like to be able to measure resonant circuits at say 40 Khz
or 470 Khz. Is there a thecnical difficulty I should be aware of ?
Any help or reference appreciated.
Derek R. Smith.