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Old January 19th 06, 09:29 PM posted to
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Default Robeson's Rules

From: Dave Heil on Thurs, Jan 19 2006 7:43 am

From: Dave Heil on Jan 18, 8:26 pm

I didn't write of "amateurism", Len. I wrote of amateur radio.

Can't you get ANYTHING right?

You wrote of AMATEUR radio. That is AMATEURISM.

AMATEUR radio is NOT professional radio.

Amateur radio is most assuredly a closed community in that only those
who have passed licensing exams may participate.

Tsk, tsk, tsk, by Heilian Rules: NO ONE can "become
interested" in amateur radio UNLESS they ALREADY have
an amateur radio license! Ergo, those going for their
first amateur radio license exam are "not interested!"

Very ILL-logic, David. ["chicken and egg paradox"]

Your mindset of "closed community" is not only strange
but sociopathic and bigoted. It is imaginative of some
ritualistic group of mystics practicing arcane arts. :-)

You have not done so and you may not participate.

"I may not participate?" Who is to "stop" my interest
in anything? Some two-bit control-freak waving his
federal amateur radio license saying "do I as I command
you?" :-)

Your claim of decades of interest in amateur radio is itself nearly a
decade old.

Much, much OLDER, David? Can't you get ANYTHING right?

I've had an interest in radio in general since the
late 1940s. [can't you remember what your word-enemies
have written in here?]

RADIO (in general) is fascinating stuff to me. So much
so that I made radio-electronics my career choice.

You exhort that "I have no interest," therefore "I cannot
participate." :-)

All because of NOT being granted an amateur radio license.

You still hold no amateur radio license of any class.

Absolutely correct. In March I will have held a
COMMERCIAL RADIO LICENSE (First Class Radiotelephone)
for 50 years!

I don't know a single soul who imagines himself a god of radio.

"Gods of radio" (disguising themselves as mighty macho
morsemen AMATEURS) seem to be soul-less. [hear them
roar!] :-)

I know that you've, at various times, imagined me to be a god of radio.

One can only go by the words you've written, mighty macho
morseman amateur. Takes NO imagination to read that. You
have "laid down rules" that all others must obey, lest they
get the wrath of a self-imagined "god of radio" in here. :-)

Well, one thing is certain. You're no radio amateur.

Not a LICENSED radio amateur.

I've been a hobbyist in radio-electronics since the late 1940s.
That's longer than I've been a PROFESSIONAL in radio-
electronics. Since HOBBY interests hardly ever return anything
on monetary investments, HOBBY activities are classified as

Radio-electronics is fascinating stuff to me, very enjoyable.
I do like to discuss and trade ideas on the subject. I just
don't enjoy being given orders by self-imposed gods of radio
who imagine themselves to be in-charge over moral and ethical
standards in hobby activities.

Don't attempt at giving orders here, Leonard.

Why? Do I impinge on your imagined "bossmanship" in here?


One does NOT have to be "involved" through federal licensing
to discuss either radio, licensing, or license testing for
amateur radio.

You have discussed (but mostly pontificated) here for many years.

Tsk, tsk, tsk, you contradict yourself. Remember, at the
beginning of your "reply" you stated "I have no interest"
in amateur radio...because of not getting an AMATEUR radio
license. :-)

The FCC does NOT require any staffer or commissioner to
have been granted any amateur radio license in order to
MAKE amateur radio regulations OR regulated its use.

That'll be relevant when you are appointed to or hired by the Commission.

Can't you get ANYTHING right?

What I wrote is RELEVANT NOW. Search all through Title 47
C.F.R. as you wish but NO commissioner or staff of the FCC
is required to hold, be granted ANY FCC radio license in
order to regulate and enforce ALL of United States civil

Who has forbidden you to speak?

David Heil.

Heil claims only the already-licensed "are interested" in
amateur radio; i.e., they are "participants." All others
must then have no interest.

That does not bode well for newcomers to amateur radio, does
it? Normal human life expectancy will soon whittle down the
ranks of the already-licensed radio amateurs in the USA
since those without amateur radio licenses are "not interested"
in radio. :-)

When you speak, you speak as one with limited knowledge of the topic.

"As if." :-)

Amateur radio and its activities are NO SECRET. There is NO
secret cabal of radio amateurs who know all there is to know
about radio...thus passing on those secrets to other, already-
licensed radio amateurs who are "interested" and
"participants." :-)

Thanks for the advice. I'll do that about the time you stop your
pontificating and condescension. In other words, I won't have to worry
about it in this lifetime.

Tsk, tsk, tsk. David desires to still be in CONTROL over
what everyone thinks, does, desires! His "lifetime task!" :-)

David is bound and determined to be IN CONTROL of everyone
(whether they like it or not)!

I've been VERY much "involved" with radio for just about
53 years now. Radio. Communications radio.

We all know about that. It isn't amateur radio.

YOU know NOTHING about that. You aren't a "participant" in
my life (thanks be to God). You are NOT a god of radio who
can tell others what to like, dislike, desire, hate, or be
involved in...but you sincerely TRY to do that...

I didn't write "radio". I wrote "amateur radio".

Are we to care "what you wrote?" I thought we were to OBEY
what you wrote.

You're on the outside and you've never been on the inside.

Can't you get ANYTHING right?

I AM on the inside right now, writing this. Too cool to be
outside this southern California morning. :-)

At the
professional level, not in some "clubhouse" idea of some
backyard amateurs sitting around thinking they were God's
Gift to the radio world because they have been granted a
federal license to be "hams."

There's the condescension.

I don't "condescend" anything. All I do is state what so many
licensed radio amateurs DO, act like, behave. Some of those
are simply assholes who think their feces emits no odor.
David, you act like one of those.

An AMATEUR radio license grant is simply a permission to operate
under specific federal rules of law. No more. Those who think
it is "more" than that have an imagination at odds with reality.

Having been granted a federal AMATEUR radio license is NOT some
grant to be of better moral or ethical status than anyone else.
Try to get over that imagined power of yours.

Radio amateurs are granted a federal license to be hams.

Can't you get ANYTHING right?

The Food and Drug Administration and the Agriculture Department
of the United States determines what is "ham" (and other pork
products)...and regulate its quality.

Only LICENSED radio amateurs are granted permission to operate
on CERTAIN frequencies with CERTAIN modes according to federal

You haven't got one.

I'm not involved with food products and try to avoid contact
with swine. However, sometimes contact with swine is just
unavoidable. :-)

I got my first radio license (from the FCC, testing at their
Chicago field office) a half century ago. It was a
COMMERCIAL radio operator license (i.e., professional).

Please explain why an AMATEUR radio license grant is the ONLY
thing necessary to hold a superior moral, ethical, or
academic viewpoint over others involved in radio. Hmmm?

Talk with them 'til you're blue in the face.

Sorry, there's no Scotch in my blood and I'm not eager to
emulate William Wallace. Wallace was drawn and quartered
some while ago for defying the Crown.

Are you attempting to emulate the Crown in trying to draw
and quarter all of your word-enemies in here? Certainly
appears that way. :-)

With the bestest of regards and a hearty "good luck on this,