Antenna's are dangerous!!
George is the same guy that spent years of his life jamming 3894.5, 3901,
3898, 14313 and running up and down 75 meters throwing his vile puke at
This coming from a man who was allegedly a church deacon at some point. What
a disgrace. But thats Polly for you. Polly was what his buddies called him.
Its a whole story about everything that used to go on the amateur radio
scene until Hollingsworth came in and cleaned out the trash. Good work
Riley. George has even received letters from FCC enforcement as well.
"Rob Shlogman" wrote in message
"George" wrote in message
****ing retard!
George Ashley W4FQF
Georgie boy! You old wrinkly pig poker. Don't you ever have anything nice
to say? BTW! You are one ugly mother. Why in the hell did you put your
ugly puss on QRZ? I just scratch my head wondering how much puke has been
cleaned off monitors and keyboards after looking at your ugly pumpkin
head. There otta be a law!
The ShLoG
Don't flog your log, Vote ShLoG in 2008!!!!