hey BB did steve do somethign specail toy uo laely?
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January 20th 06, 11:16 PM posted to
Dave Heil
Posts: n/a
steve the liar and fraud
Within the past day, you've written (badly) the following about Steve
"busllhit you are not"
Busllhit indeed.
"you are lying about me"
Everybody is always lying about you. Isn't that odd?
"I did not alude to I accepted an off made in YOUR name"
In his name? I'm thinking about making you an offer in the name of
"you claim that offer was fraud and now you are lying and claiming I
was the orginator"
How is that different from your lying and claiming that Steve is the
"you are lying and by assuming every refereernce to ste is a rferen to
you is paranoia"
Everybody on the planet is lying about you, Colonel.
"since you were never honoring your end the apology and agreeingto
refrain from you lies and baseless attacks I will make such attack as
I see fit"
You mean you'll continue to foul the newsgroup?
"you post a fraudulant apology and then you claim you did not post it
you don't get the truce that apology asked for"
....but Steve seemed willing to go along with it until you came apart.
"what you did is called theft by deception"
....except that the deception wasn't Steve's.
"now steve claims outrage that I violated a truce mad ein his name that
along with his flaiure to prove his claim that the apolgoy was a
forgery proes that steve set the whole thing up"
By what stretch of logic, as commonly understood by human civilization,
does your wild theory become truth?
"conspricay to commit fraud"
Conspiracy? A conspiracy of one? How does that work?
"where is your pove that the origainl was forged"
His "pove" is in the header, Colonel.
"where is your proof?"
See above.
"you are the fraud you made the apology I offered you none and will not"
He made the apology except that he didn't make the apology. Read the
header, Colonel.
"you have since deined your apology but you contiue to tell lies about
my action you are depecable"
"nope never more lies"
The whole solar system is planting falsehoods about Mark C. Morgan.
It looks from here like you've arrived at the brink of madness. A few
more days might send you into the abyss.
Dave K8MN
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