Mark, Where's the "Truce"...?!?!
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January 21st 06, 01:05 AM posted to
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Mark, Where's The Truce?
On 20 Jan 2006 04:37:12 -0800, "K4YZ" wrote:
I bought into your "truce" posts and gave you the 36 hours you
asked for. However when I check back into the group, there's nothing
but posts by you of the usual "stvie ####" type subject lines, etc...
bull#### steve
Nope. There's about 30 + posts here since day before yesterday,
and not a ONE of them "More Markie Mularkie"...
I was dthe one duped by your call for a truce by your public apoly
We both were, Mark, but I told you I was willing to roll with it.
you are not the injured party
Prove you're injured.
have been shown that you diod not honnor the apolgoy you made I am not
bound to anything
I didn't make the "apology", Mark, but I told you I was willing to
give it a try.
So far all I have received from you is a nose rubbing in having
trusted you.
So...Am I the only one observing this?
I was observing it tll you denied it existsed
I didn't deny anything other than making the original post. I did
say we'd give it a try. I even told you I'd give you your 36 hours you
asked for.
You've used it to load the group up with "mre stve ####" posts.
why should I oserve omethign with you that you claim does not exist
I didn't say it doesn't exist.
If you want this to work, YOU have to put some effort into it
also...That means not regurgitating those subject lines.
Idon't care one way or the other
since you were never honoring your end the apology and agreeingto
refrain from you lies and baseless attacks I will make such attack as
I see fit
Patiently waiting.
hiding behind your charge that you apolgoy was a fraud youm mean
why dio you think I would observe a truece while not getting what I
If you mean someone getting on their knees and kissing your butt,
that's not a happening thing.
But so far you've gotten the 36 hours you asked for and not a
single "Markie Mularkie" post to cover up your profanities.
So, Mark, WHERE'S THE TRUCE...?!?!
Steve, K4YZ
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