hey BB did steve do somethign specail toy uo laely?
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January 21st 06, 01:20 AM posted to
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Robeson's Rules
On 20 Jan 2006 15:00:20 -0800,
From: Dave Heil on Fri, Jan 20 2006 6:11 am
From: Dave Heil on Thurs, Jan 19 2006 7:43 am
From: Dave Heil on Jan 18, 8:26 pm
You may be "interested" in obtaining a pilot's license.
Not now. I once was, but the cost of aircraft ownership was
prohibitive then, still is. :-)
You may tell
anyone on the planet that you have an interest in obtaining a pilot's
Why must I tell "everyone?" :-)
or anyone
You may even do so for decades.
You may haunt a pilot's newsgroup.
I don't.
But you don't become a pilot until you obtain the license.
Untrue. Only to be a LEGAL pilot, Herr Robust.
I really don't know WHY you introduce this NON-subject into
an amateur radio policy newsgroup, Herr Robust. You are
venturing far afield from the general subject matter.
Sorry lLen I have to call you on that
you know exactly why Dave is doing this
he has nothing of value to say and so is resorting to bloviation to
try to confuse the unwary
Your claim of decades of interest in amateur radio is itself nearly a
decade old.
Much, much OLDER, David? Can't you get ANYTHING right?
I'm going by what you've told us. Perhaps you supplied erroneous
I've stated my interest in RADIO began about in 1947. Do the
math. 2006 - 1947 = 59. About six decades. I've written
that before in here. That your memory is erroneous is not
my problem.
RADIO (in general) is fascinating stuff to me. So much
so that I made radio-electronics my career choice.
Not "radio, Len. "Amateur radio". Nobody makes amateur radio a career
No? :-) Who started Ham Radio Outlet? Henry Radio? A host
of other sales and service organizations specializing in
amateur radio? :-)
How about the ARRL BoD? The officers and staff that get
paid? :-)
How about all the pipe-dreamers imagining themselves as
radio-gods-of-the-air busy "saving lives" through their
"working the bands" and "working DX on HF with CW?" :-)
Why some of them have had "seven hostile actions"
experienced in doing so! :-)
You're confused. We're discussing "amateur radio". You've expressed a
decades-long interest.
Tsk, tsk, you've contradicted yourself again!
First you say "my interest has only been for a decade," and now you
make decades a plural. Is your reasoning "erroneous?"
You've never acted.
Oh, my, an acting critic! Should I tear up my AFTRA card? :-)
Herr Robust, I may not be of "Oscar" thespianship but I HAVE
acted. :-)
You've never even made a move toward obtaining the license.
"Move?!?" You are now insisting I MOVE? Why? I OWN this
land and two states. NO mortage, no liens, no
debts...on both of them.
Well, yes, the southern California residence is NOT good for
HF propagation to my north to east direction, but that is
NOT a good reason why I should give up this SoCal residence
and MOVE north to Washington.
You are getting very, very severe in your demands!
Six years ago, you stated that you were obtaining an "Extra right out of
the box". The box is sealed.
So, SUE me on some "breach of promise" civil action! :-)
Make it your lifelong goal of showing me in the worst
possible darkness of moral-ethical light for NOT doing
something YOU INSIST on my doing?
In March I will have held a
COMMERCIAL RADIO LICENSE (First Class Radiotelephone)
for 50 years!
I don't care if you hold it for another fifty years.
Tsk, tsk...the only thing you CARE about is to win message
points in here! :-)
That doesn't make you a licensed radio amateur.
I never said it did! :-)
Amateurs! That's right, Len. Radio amateurs are AMATEURS.
...then they are into AMATEURISM, aren't they? :-)
I've never claimed to be a god of radio.
Tsk, tsk, then quit acting like one.
Or get the appropriate Guild membership for your acting. :-)
I don't lay down rules in amateur radio, Len.
No? Then why all your moral-ethical "lecturing" on who should
do what, all under YOUR commandments?
I've already told you that I'm not a god of radio and that I don't know
anyone else who believes himself to be a god of radio.
Tsk, then quit dropping those stone tablets in here upon
which are graven the Commandments. A Moses you ain't.
That's the only kind of radio amateur I know of, Len.
Which Commandment is that? [try not to throw those tablets
down so HARD next of them broke...]
Fine, Len. You're an amateur radio/electronics hobbyist.
Are there "professional" hobbyists? :-)
I'm sure there are a number of newsgroups set up just for guys like you.
I think it'd be nice if you had a place to meet with like-minded
There are several. :-)
It might even ease your frustration over years you've wasted in r.r.a.p.
"Wasted?" :-) I get a great deal of enjoyment in here,
puncturing all the ego balloons of the self-righteous
"professional amateurs!" :-)
Especially those self-proclaimed (self-ordained?) gods of radio!
Don't attempt at giving orders here, Leonard.
Why? Do I impinge on your imagined "bossmanship" in here?
Because you hold no authority to do so.
But YOU do? :-)
I acknowledged that you've claimed a decades-long interest in amateur
radio but that you've not acted upon that interest.
Gosh, Herr Robust, you should have warned the late Jim Fisk
of that "lack of (proper) interest" when he accepted several
articles of mine for Ham Radio magazine! And then Alf Wilson
(who took over as editor-in-chief) who made me an Associate
Editor at Ham Radio magazine (check the "mastheads" for
confirmation). Or Rich Rosen who kept me on the staff for
a while.
You tend to play
the guy who is just getting ready to enter amateur radio.
Maybe I will, maybe I won't.
Do I have to TAKE OUT A CONTRACT WITH YOU in order to "prove"
something?!? :-)
I guess I do. Damn, but those stone tablets of yours have
some deep gravings on them!
Don't drop those tablets again, okay? They give me a
Did you find something incorrect in my statement?
Several. Keep reading, there's more...
What I wrote is RELEVANT NOW.
It might be relevant now, but you aren't--to the FCC or to amateur radio.
Tsk, tsk, now you are contradicting yourself again!
Illogic. If I am NOT "relevant" then I can't be "entering
amateur radio," can I? :-)
Search all through Title 47
C.F.R. as you wish but NO commissioner or staff of the FCC
is required to hold, be granted ANY FCC radio license in
order to regulate and enforce ALL of United States civil
That'll be relevant to you when and if you are ever hired by or
appointed to the Commission.
Now, now, your hissy-fit snarling has you all confused.
What I wrote is very much relevant to any citizen of the
United States and anyone who holds a reciprocal-agreement
radio license. Employment by the FCC is NOT required.
Of of these days, you might achieve neophyte status.
I'm not banking on it.
"Of of?" Are you stuttering in frustration or rage?
Well, that kind of dumps my optimistic hope of you into the
dumpster. I would have thought you'd learn by now (after
seven years) to be a civil human being in here...not acting
like some god of radio issuing Commandments on What To Do
and How To Do It.
Are you now "defining" AMATEUR radio as some sort of trade,
craft, or guild that requires "years of experience" in
order to be a true "professional amateur?" :-)
Amateur radio and its activities are NO SECRET.
No, they aren't. That makes it even more peculiar that a guy with those
decades of interest in amateur radio couldn't have taken the logical
step of acting upon that interest.
Tsk, tsk, you REDEFINE "interst" into some sort of FANATICISM!
Actually, you (the non-radio amateur) seemed to be telling me what to
Tsk, tsk, I wouldn't attempt the impossible! :-)
You aren't in control of my actions on or off the air, Len. I'll
do as I please. You may do as you can.
I "may?" Oh, thank you, thank you, Your Emminance!
Your kind and gentle condescension is so warm!
I'm bound and determined to show you up as the clay-footed pretender
that you are.
Now, now, you are getting all snarly again... :-)
You are NOT a god of radio who
can tell others what to like, dislike, desire, hate, or be
involved in...but you sincerely TRY to do that...
I thought I'd already pointed out the fact that I've never claimed to be
a god of radio, Len.
Tsk, tsk, and now you've gone and made a hypocrite of yourself! just wrote "I may do as I can?" :-)
Your Emminance, your aura of radiance is blinding. Turn it
down a bit, please...
You don't have to like amateur radio. You don't have to dislike amateur
radio. You don't have to desire amateur radio. You don't have to hate
amateur radio. You certainly don't have to be involved in amateur
Wow! A THIRD Tablet brought down from some burning Bush!
You are one step ahead of Moses! :-)
You aren't here in the cozy lodge hall, Len.
True, the Burbank Elks Club Lodge Hall is being rebuilt (it is on
Hollywood Way near Bob Hope Airport in Burbank, CA).
You're doomed to spend your days on the outside looking in.
Well, YES, until it is finished and inspected. Until then,
unless I am employed by the contractor, I can't go in there.
All I do is state what so many
licensed radio amateurs DO, act like, behave.
You don't even know "many" licensed radio amateurs.
Only a few dozen personally. :-)
However, it is easy to read the opinions of hundreds more in the
public forums available for viewing on the Internet. :-)
Hams aren't about to kow-tow to the likes of you.
Sorry, Herr Moses II, I've not been up on any mountain
and lugging down tablets of Commandments.
[your tablets are giving me a should be the
other way around...]
Some of those
are simply assholes who think their feces emits no odor.
David, you act like one of those.
Maybe you can find a hobby more to your liking--one in which the
long-time participants will hang on your every word.
In other words, you "feel threatened" by my presence in
here? :-)
Or are you implying you are already "so well hung" that
you resent others pointing out your "short-comings?" :-)
Gosh, Herr Robust, you swing wildly on your Sermons on the
Antenna Mount in here! Seems like you are telling me to
"shut up!" :-)
Having been granted a federal AMATEUR radio license is NOT some
grant to be of better moral or ethical status than anyone else.
Moral or ethical status? What are you prattling on about?
That was in YOUR Sermon! :-)
You haven't got one.
I'm not involved with food products and try to avoid contact
with swine. However, sometimes contact with swine is just
unavoidable. :-)
Like, when your gnawing on a pork chop?
Tsk, tsk, improper use of a in "you're" rather
than the "your" you wrote. Please use apostrophes properly.
Move your vowels every day or you'll get consonated.
I don't think of you as a "word-enemy" or "message knuckle", Len. I
prefer to think of you as a horse's patoot.
As a "superior" god of radio, I'm sure you consider yourself
above needs of civility in conversing with ordinary mortals.
Therefore, you feel free to insult, demean, and say nasty to
anyone who doesn't agree with you. shrug
One more example of today's USA "superior" radio amateur, a
role model of behavior for all to emulate...
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