Can someone help a non-HAM?
On Sat, 21 Jan 2006 07:07:06 GMT, "kelvin_cool_ohm"
A friend of mine inherited some HAM gear when his father
passed away. He, himself, is not a HAM. He needs to find
a home for his father's equipment. He is willing to give
it to anyone who will pay the shipping or pick it up at
his place. He has no idea what any of it is, but would
rather give it to someone who can use it than send it to
the car crusher in an old car (his only other option).
I offered to post pictures of the stuff, but I need to
know where to post it so HAMs could find it. Does this
NG have a binaries group that you guys use as a binaries
portal? Would someone be willing to post the pictures on
their website?
Some clue as to where your friend is located, at least to state may
find someone local who would grab it up. You also may wish to get the
nomenclature which might be a good hint for the rest of us as to what
is valuable and what is recycler material. You might also check Ebay.
There are often ads with just the dilemma you pose...inherited
equipment. There are many afficionados who do bid on this. Look for
brand names such as Heath (or Heathkit) Hammarlund, Collins,
Hallicrafter, Nationa Receiver, Drake, Johnson Viking for which there
are many ham hobbyist who restore this stuff. Check out Ebay, plug
some of those names or ham transmitter into it. Also try the words ham
receiver, ham transceiver and see if any of this is recognizable. Some
of this stuff is very heavy so some folks might think twice about
having it shipped unless they could have the option of a local pickup
or maybe a couple hundred miles drive with an SUV or truck. There are
a few guys who buy whole estates, fix up and resell this stuff to
folks interested in antique radios (which means almost anything before
the transistorr era. Equipment for the 50'/60's are particularly
interesting to many. More modern equipment, being simply used vice
antique will sell or not sell based upon its intrinsic merits. If you
give us a city, we might be able to provide you with a point of
contact for a nearby radio club whose members could help you.
W3JT, Jon in MD