Hi Rick,
best would be to find a reliable ham who can help you with valuing the stuff. Find one
through one of the local radioclubs (addresses via
www.arrl.org for example). If he want
to do it the easy way, donate the equipment to some type of charity which can handle the
http://www.wb2jkj.org/ is one which I see advertising all the time, check them out.
If all else fails - call your local NPR radio station, most will accept donations. Some
of this old stuff can be very valuable when sold on Ebay but it takes some knowledge.
On Sat, 21 Jan 2006 07:07:06 GMT, "kelvin_cool_ohm"
A friend of mine inherited some HAM gear when his father
passed away. He, himself, is not a HAM. He needs to find
a home for his father's equipment. He is willing to give
it to anyone who will pay the shipping or pick it up at
his place. He has no idea what any of it is, but would
rather give it to someone who can use it than send it to
the car crusher in an old car (his only other option).
I offered to post pictures of the stuff, but I need to
know where to post it so HAMs could find it. Does this
NG have a binaries group that you guys use as a binaries
portal? Would someone be willing to post the pictures on
their website?