receive very poor.. SWR changes daily.. Cherokee Base..
I never know how to subject a post.. the problem
is I probably made a bad decision on a purchase..
I bought a Cherokee CBS 500 base radio.. I had
read somewhere that these radios use a board that
other high end radios use.. I don't know about
this and it didn't pertain to my purchase decision
also.. I could expand it with the jumper location
but obviously on newer units they've did not
install the jumper terminals.. and linked it the
right way.. and I have not ever heard or read any
thing about removing the black **** that is used
to protect circuts.. aghh damn I got carried away
to teh problem.. radio has poor receive and I don't
know about transmit (I don't have any friends, and
most radio people don't give a **** about someone
who is working on there radio to get a check.. I've
never understood this.. maybe it's just my life
sucks?) only transmit that I know of is one time
and they must have been very close.. and that
my bro that lives bout 4 blocks away from my place
can hear me.. he has my hand held cobra.. he's
transmitting from in his house.. and on all other
prior setups I've had no weak sound and reception
from the same places his and mine.. it was absulutly
clear.. I just have not used a setup for a long
time.. and wanted to jump back into using a radio..
SWR gave me trouble after trouble and when I get it
right and keep up with it througout the night.. go
to use my radio again several hours later or the next
day SWR has totally changed.. if it means anything I
beleive it is usually lower on 1 than it is on 40
more so than the oppisote.. I've redone coax tuned
the antenna I don't know what I haven't done..
I guess I got carried away.. I guess we can just
consider the radio.. I got it.. power it on it
seems to be working fine.. I get everything hooked
up with exelent swr.. then the squelch decides
to quit working.. I took apart the radio just the
cover to access and visually inspect the boards..
I give the board a tap while power up.. that fixed
the problem for the time being.. then it happens
again.. I inspect some areas and have the area known
now.. it's hard to see what it may be I was thinking
the near by trans. that was grounded to frame.. it
was loose.. but I'm not thinking it is that.. but I
did give the trans. a push then tigtened it.. the
problem is still there.. I keep flexing an area around
a transformer and I know it is there but I don't know
what it is.. I don't want to take the board out if it
needs adjustments and no touch ups can be done.. I'll
probably save money by just sending it in for alignment
and repair.. I can check solder joints.. I still
need to know what all could be giving me trouble and
what it is most likely is.. the board is working for now
and has been for some days now.. paying shipping to and
back for a replacement just ****es me off.. these things
are poorly built.. I wouldn't hire who ever done the work
on my unit... they can't solder worth a ****.. they
need to fire this guy from the assembly line.. he's doing
the company no good.. It would just be best to send it
to someone who can align and do otehr things to bring
out total performence.. hassling around getting a
replacement would cost the same most likly.. and take
forever.. cuz I'm not paying out of the ordinary prices
for fast deliveries.. I should have just got a great
nice radio from the local guys.. I didn't know they had
the selection that they do.. I know what to save money
for now.. oh also.. there is bleed through somewhat on
the channels.. I've noticed this in manual tuning.. and
on a scan.. happens all the time.. low or high squelch
rf gain.. I did get my battery out and hooked my texas
star modulator and turned on the rec amp and it did seem
to help.. but I'm think it's no different than volume
adjustments to higher
Thanks.. yeh I did leave out info.. antenna is a patriot
is this a problem..?.. I'm going to go ahead and post this..
but it just came to mind.. that I may have a mobile that
I can test with to compare receive.. since I have the bat
out and stuff..
I appreciate any thoughts on what may be failing