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Old January 24th 06, 03:40 PM posted to
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Default Feeble Five Flailings

Frank Gilliland wrote:
On 18 Jan 2006 22:49:14 -0800, wrote in

From: Dave Heil on Jan 18, 8:26 pm


Poseurs DO have that problem..."tripping the light fantastic"
all the time.

You have a point, Leonard.

One example would be your involvement in amateur radio.


Obviously NOT, judging by trotting out that old sway-backed
"involvement" nonsense. Amateurism is NOT a closed
community. There are only the close-minded individuals in
amateur radio who imagine themselves gods of radio.

Listen UP, David.....

Ditto. And I gotta add my two pieces of zinc:

You don't need a license to build a receiver. You don't need a license
to listen to shortwave broadcasts; or to work a CB or FRS radio; or to
get a station's card (I have hundreds); or to transmit on most of the
spectrum with very low power;...(SNIP)

SO little power that, if you do so legally, can't be heard across
the parking lot, let alone across town, state or country...

(UNSNIP)...or to design and build a band-specific
antenna on a tower; or to study and learn radio fundamentals; or even
to transmit from a licensed amateur station provided it is supervised
by the station's licensee...(SNIP)

".....provided it is supervised by the station's licensee..."

Which means NOT you or Lennie, Frankie.

(UNSNIP)...You don't need a license to be an amateur....(SNIP)

More wordsmithing.

You DO need a licesne to be a Radio Amateur.

You do NOT need a license to be a radio hobbyist.

Even as a PROFESSIONAL in the field of radio I didn't need a license.
Basically, the only thing an Amateur Radio License grants you is the
ability to transmit at power levels greater than those specified in
Part 15. Every other aspect of amateur radio communication can be done
-WITHOUT A LICENSE-. The sooner these sooper-dooper hambos realize
this little factoid the better.

Frankie, you can wear a biklini, play a fiddle while sipping a
milk shake, do charitable church work and recite "I Want World Peace"
over and over, and you'll still not going to be "Miss America".

And no amount of rationalizing or tap-dancing about what you can
do without an Amateur license will ever make you or Lennie licensed
Radio Amateurs. Only passing the requisite FCC exams at a VE session
will ever do that.

And Frankie...

No amount of trying to "best" another Marine will ever make up for
the ####-poor performance YOU put out.


Steve, K4YZ