Winfield Hill wrote...
Rich Grise wrote...
As reluctant as I am to contradict a fart who's even older than
me, if it's glass, it isn't a 1N4004:
You're probably wrong, of course, as Michael Terrell points out,
but I'll have to admit that's an impressive list, and I love the
manufacturer's logos, 26 of them, all lined up. Sigh, I only have
datasheets from 20, stored in my computer. But, I have them from
Won-Top, Leshan Radio, Gulf Semi, Formosa Micro, Dachang, and
Bytesonic, to name a few they don't have, SFAICS. Plus, I have
multiple versions from several of the companies. So there!
So many files, so little time.
Correction, they had Leshan Radio, listed as LRC. What a great
site,** now I have 1n4000-series data from 35 manufacturers.
That's got to be a record. Maybe I can stop now. [smile]
** They do append their own announcement page, "This datasheet
has been download from: - Datasheets
for electronics components." but at least it's on the last page.
- Win