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Old January 26th 06, 12:08 AM posted to,
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Default Frankie of Silliland Screws The Pooch Again And Earns His Feeble Five Crown

K4YZ wrote:
Frankie of Silliland wrote:
On 25 Jan 2006 08:22:12 -0800, "K4YZ" wrote in
Frankie of Silliland wrote:
On 24 Jan 2006 22:34:55 -0800, wrote in
Frankie of Silliland wrote:
On 24 Jan 2006 15:04:38 -0800, wrote in
. com:
an old friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
Frankie of Silliland Screws The Pooch Again And Earns
His "Feeble Five" Crown
an old friend wrote:
seems not

Seems you've proven MY assertions about your having never spent a
day in a uniform of the Armed Forces. "Screwed the pooch" is a common
phrase for having done something so obviously stupid or so royaly as to
have defied common sense.

Hence your familiarity with the phrase.

But then, you ARE one of the Feeble Five yourself.

Steve, K4YZ

Who's your lawyer, Dud?

Change of subject, eh, Frankie..?!?!

Your imaginary lawyer has been the subject for quite some time.


His new wife will be interested to know she's been sleeping with an


Thanks. But my one letter mispelling was still more accurate than
your recent posts.

nope they are not

Ya came out swinging with that "big revelation" of yours about how
I allegedly claimed to have served with 1/24, yet haven't addressed the
FACT that you were AGAIN wrong.

Doesn't matter if I was right or wrong -- you've already proven that
you never served at all.

But WAIT a minute...

YOU just put out a "big expose" allegedly proving I WAS in the

Seems you're very confused.

Hardly. My "big expose", as you describe it, was an exercise in
trolling. It worked. But then, all I have to do is mention your name
in a post and you get all upset. So I guess I put more effort into
writing it than was necessary..... but what the hell, it was fun, and
so was your response.

What you did was blatantly lie.

did he?

so what

you blantanly lie all the time

why do you have that preveledge alone
You made statements as fat that

He has made not statements as "fat"

you lied again
were ANYthing but fact, and in the process proved to all herein that
Frank Gilliland IS the liar I accuse him of being.

everybody lies steve indeed it has been written that society could not
funtcion if people told the truth the whole truth and nothing but the

It's not the first time you've been caught, and I dare say the

As for fun, I guess you DO like getting slapped around.

more of your passion for violence
I don't
know many people who would describe having been caught lying in an
open, public forum as "fun", but then I guess that's what spins your

Most liars of your character are, though.

And of COURSE it matters if you were "right or wrong"...You made
statements as facts that were, to a person as allegedly informed of
military matters as you, NOT factual.

Just like your "statements as facts" about the JULIETT crypto system.

They are facts.

not according those that know

It's just too much fun to watch you fabricate
justifications and excuses for your contradictions, and I have a few
days off from work, so I thought I'd rattle your cage a bit. You never
fail to amuse.

Seems YOU are the one with the fabrications, Frankie...

Yet you continue to respond to them as if they threatened your very

They don't.

and yet you conitue to respond to them as if they do

I just take a certain amount of pride in having served in the
United States Marines,

prove it

and it's humiliating in no small amount to see
someone who wore the same uniform so flagrantly and unabashedly defile
both that uniform and himself.

then grow up

LIke the one you just threw together this past week.

And Frankie...You didn't "rattle" anything...You just proved once
again that you are the liar I am calling you. No facts...No proof...No

And the amusing part is seeing what tales of deception you can
come up with next to try and perpetuate your acts of deceit.

No wonder you were busted twice. You deserved it.

I served. You didn't. That's a fact.

I served.

prove it

prove it

You didn't. THAT is a fact.


I'd think you'd get tired of getting slapped around with your own
stupidity by now...

But it appears you have a lot more of it to spread around.

As I said...seems you are enjoying getting slapped around with
your own stupidity.

And you have a lot to spread around...

And around and around and around......

and yet you rise to the bait everytime

paranoid and OCD is what you are

and a pathological liar since you have led to yourself so throughly you
can no longer tell the truth fro the lies

Steve, K4YZ