wazzup wit BAMA
N9NEO wrote:
Mr Terrell,
I am an old Tin Can Sailor Outta Pearl and have a DD214 as well. Thanks
for your service, and prey for our young children in the military, and
for those we have lost and for their survivors.
Thank you for your time in the service as well, Bob. The sig is
being used because of a few derogatory comments made to me online about
US Veterans, and my work with local Veterans. I am 100% disabled
veteran, but I volunteer my time for the local Vets helping Vets"
program, as well as help provide working computers to local disabled and
disadvantaged Veterans in Marion County. My latest information is that
there are over 48,000 Veterans in Marion County and a lot are either
senior citizens, or disabled, so much so that the VA recently opened a
second outpatient clinic in Marion County, and is expanding the VA
hospital in Gainsville due to the heavy workload. Also, due to the warm
climate and the large protected areas of the Ocala national Forest there
were a little over 2000 homeless veterans living among the trees in
makeshift camps about a year ago. Its had to help most of them because
they were told "NO" so many times in the past that they don't trust
people who do offer to help. We are working an another round of having
volunteer doctors and dentists visit the more populated areas in mid
April to try once again to help some of them back into society. We
already try to provide them with food and clothing, but most won't leave
their camp for fear of it being raided or torn down while they are
gone. Its a very sad place to visit.
BTW, I hope you meant to say "Pray", not "Prey" Lousy spell
checkers! ;-)
And lastly mr Knobloch I will try FTP. Thanks for the suggestion. I
think I may need an ftp client. No? Last time I used cute ftp, but
that was many years ago.
"Cute FTP" from Coffee Cup Software is available all over the web for
free. If you have trouble finding it just e-mail me and I'll get a copy
to you. I got my copy from one of the "Web Builder" CDROMS.
Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.
Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida