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Old January 26th 06, 05:20 AM posted to
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Default Feeble Five Flailings

From: Frank Gilliland on Jan 24, 12:37 am

On 18 Jan 2006 22:49:14 -0800, wrote in
From: Dave Heil on Jan 18, 8:26 pm

Poseurs DO have that problem..."tripping the light fantastic"
all the time.

You have a point, Leonard.

One example would be your involvement in amateur radio.


Obviously NOT, judging by trotting out that old sway-backed
"involvement" nonsense. Amateurism is NOT a closed
community. There are only the close-minded individuals in
amateur radio who imagine themselves gods of radio.

Ditto. And I gotta add my two pieces of zinc:

You don't need a license to build a receiver.

...nor build a transmitter.

You don't need a license
to listen to shortwave broadcasts; or to work a CB or FRS radio; or to
get a station's card (I have hundreds); or to transmit on most of the
spectrum with very low power; or to design and build a band-specific
antenna on a tower; or to study and learn radio fundamentals; or even
to transmit from a licensed amateur station provided it is supervised
by the station's licensee. You don't need a license to be an amateur.

By Heilian Rules one MUST have an amateur radio license in
order to "qualify" (by Heil's "definition") as a amateur.

That's very important to Heil. He has specified as well
as defined and his word is paramount. :-)

Even as a PROFESSIONAL in the field of radio I didn't need a license.

Nor did I for the vast majority of DoD contract work I did.

DoD contracts on RF emission generally do NOT require
any contractee or employees to hold any civilian radio
operator license. The DoD contract terms were very
specific and many, many references to MIL STDs and
other documents. None had any mention of "amateur
radio licensing."

Basically, the only thing an Amateur Radio License grants you is the
ability to transmit at power levels greater than those specified in
Part 15.

But ONLY INSIDE the allocated radio amateur bands and then
ONLY using the allocated modes/modulations for amateurs.

The minute those amateur radio licensees operate OUTSIDE
those ham bands/frequencies, they are ILLEGAL unless they
have OTHER radio operator licenses such as Commercial or

Every other aspect of amateur radio communication can be done
-WITHOUT A LICENSE-. The sooner these sooper-dooper hambos realize
this little factoid the better.

Sorry, Frank, but those "sooper-dooper hambos" have their
FIXATION on their "federally-authorized status" as "official"
amateur radio operators with licenses. Very important self-
definition of their "officialdom."

Rather than enjoy the "magic" of radio communications, those
"sooper-dooper hambos" would rather make themselves into some
guild-craft-union "authorized" "qualified" "federally licensed"
super-beings-of-radio who think they have the "power" to talk
down to "lesser" humans by virtue of their federally-authorized
license grant.

A further sign of that is the constant use of "official" as
a word to denote "what hams do, use (in jargon, forms from
the ARRL such as "radiogram" forms, and definitions as
made by the ARRL). There is only ONE way to "do" amateur
radio and that is by the traditionally-established methods,
terminology, abbreviations (as used on "CW"). Amateur radio
to them is MUCH MORE than a hobby, a recreation done for
personal enjoyment, a non-pecuniary-compensation activity.
It is a LIFESTYLE and the raison d'etre of their apparent
being. shrug

We must all DO as they do, THINK as they think, PERFORM to
their levels of achievement, or we are the subject of
countless demeanings, denigrations for not being as superb
as they. shrug