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Old January 26th 06, 10:11 PM posted to
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Default New 4nec2 version

Can you advise where I can get wgnuplot ? The program complains that I
need this file
but I cannot locate it on your site.


dansawyeror wrote:
It seems to be the asycfilt.dll that is in error. What version of Win98
are you using? What is the size and date of asycfilt.dll please?

Thanks - Dan

Arie wrote:
dansawyeror wrote:

Has anyone tried this successfully? If so what OS and level did you
use? I
tried, the installation went issue however attempts to execute the
app result in
an error: 50003.

Has anyone successfully gotten this to work?

Yes numerous people did,.. at least previous versions.

I thought I did mention something about the OS capable of running 4nec2
on my website, but maybe I was not clear enough. On the other hand it's
alważs possible you trapped a yet unknow problem.

Concerning the operating systems, overhere I did test things on W-98,
W-me, W-XP and W-2000.

Sorry for the inconvenience,

p.s. To get help editing the Nec2 or Nec4 cards, select the 'Nec
editor'on the settings menu or avoid all Nec related stuff and use the
drag and draw style editor.