Thread: UI-View32 V2.03
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Old September 17th 04, 11:01 PM
Andy Pritchard
Posts: n/a

It dosen't look like it. There is a certain amount I and others can do using
the ActiveX interface into UI-View32. But bar the source code being released
the core of the program will remain the same.


73 - Andy, M0CYP

Telford - IO82SQ

"Duffy" wrote in message
What is happening with UI-View since Roger has passed? Anyone else going
carry on with development?

"Andy Pritchard" wrote in message
Hi All

Roger Barker - G4IDE sadly passed away on the 9th Sep 2004. Roger is the
author of UI-View32 the worlds most popular windows APRS program.

The key features of UI-View32 a

Displaying APRS data including area symbols
Full-featured internal intelligent digipeater.
Support for connecting to APRS servers on the internet.
Wide range of mapping options available.
Open-Architecture, allowing add-on programs to be written with ease
Sending messages, support for remote commands
Loggging of data and playback of previous log files
Displaying of pre-defined overlays
Tested and proven stable across multiple windows environments

For more information and download take a look at

73 - Andy, M0CYP