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Old January 27th 06, 07:17 PM posted to
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Default Lightning Arrester Location ?


Would like to get your opinions on this:

Will be putting up an Inverted-L receiving only antenna, like the PAR EF-SWL
in a few weeks.
The end point of the downward vertical leg will have a Balun, which I plan
on grounding to
a 6 foot or so 3/4 inch Cu water pipe driven into the ground at that point.

From there, I will have about a 25 foot run of coax (buried about 6 inches
deep) back to the house.

If I put the lightning arrester next to the Balun, and use the same ground
rod, will that be acceptable, or should it
really be placed right where the coax starts to enter the house ?

Would like to avoid having to drive another ground rod in, and also having
another break in the coax.

I realize that right next to the house is probably better practice for the
arrester location, but do you think it would really
matter for any induced high volt emf pulse that the antenna might be
subjected to (as the coax run will be buried) ?
