In article ,
Torinda de Algodon wrote:
wrote in news:12219-4379758A-1071@storefull-
All of the talk radio shows around here are conservative.
Liberal mainstream media is dedicated to abortion, atheism, and sodomy.
This results in a large audience of conservatives who want an alternative.
Conservative talk radio fills that need while the liberals are content
with the mass media fare and don't need an alternative such as Air America.
From private communication with a friend in the radio business;
In the Dallas-Fort Worth market, right wing talk is carried on
WBAP-820 (50,000 watts), KRLD-1080 (50,000 watts), KSKY-660 (20,000
watts), and KLIF-570 (5000 watts and simulcast on 1700 with 10,000
watts) In addition, there are Christian talk stations with the same
"talking points" on the FM dial at 90.9, 91.7 and 100.7, all with
100,000 watts each.
Along comes Air America on KXEB-910, 1000 watts, transmitter about 30
miles north of Dallas...
and here, and in the newspaper letters to the editor, and the local
programs on talk radio, and the discussion newsgroups, and the local
sections of
Air America should be shut down for treason in time of war
Al Franken wants Bush assassinated
Al Franken stole money from the Boys Club
Al Franken is a filthy jew
Air America is not wanted or needed
Air America has no listeners
Air America has no advertisers
Air America bounces checks
Air America has worse ratings than the brokered Pakistani love ballad format
it replaced in some city...
In the Dallas market, the Air America station has less than 1% of the
transmitter power of the other AM stations mentioned above. Yet in a
city which voted for Kerry in 2004, the right wing doesn't seem happy
unless they control 100% of the discussion. And they will resort to
lies to destroy any deviance from the "party line."
AAR is doing fine, adding a couple stations a month, and now on Armed
Forces Radio Network for an hour a day and a dedicated XM channel.
In NYC, at the rate AAR listenship (WLIB) is growing and and Rush's
(WABC) is shrinking, the curve will cross in 5 quarters.
a d y k e s @ p a n i x . c o m
Don't blame me. I voted for Gore.