Thread: poor sick steve
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Old January 29th 06, 05:58 PM posted to
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Default poor sick steve

On 29 Jan 2006 05:34:22 -0800,
On 26 Jan 2006 01:22:56 -0800, "K4YZ" wrote:
lied_to_an_old_friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
nobodys old friend wrote:

for conituing to expect me to spell correctly for you

Perhaps one day you'll have an epiphany and realize what an idiot
you've been.

dyslexia is not a sign of being an idiot.

Knowing you are allegedly dyslexic and not doing anything to fix
it is, Markie...especially when you claim to have an IQ of 248.

if you had paid attention in school youd know that, but you are an
admitted RN school drop out

Uhhhhhh...No...I am an RN school STUDENT. Enrolled. Active.

you were an RN stedent when we first met 7 years ago

have since admitted to droping out at least once

Maybe he dropped back in for another seven years.

Maybe he wasn't a student then but is a student now.

Maybe he was a student then but is lying now.

In any case, there's a lie in there somewhere.

there are several lies in there

The lies are in your eyes, Markie.


the lies are on the screen in plain view in many cases other take a
bit more digging

you might look at a what I just posted with where i say steve Proves
hiself a liar in one post by claiming I may do A and may NOT do A
meaning he Must be lying

It's always amazing to me that you can put so many letters in a
lump like that and make absolutely NO sense, Markie.

amazing that you can't read english

worth the few second to reasd I think

Only if you like puzzles or chewing on your brain with your
grandmother's dull dentures.

Steve, K4YZ

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