help editing 4nec2 model ?
I have made some progress. The trick for adding new source and RLC objects is to
select them and then to click, hold, and drag to position. The value option box
opens up for setting.
The current model does not sweep frequencies. Have you figured out how to sweep
So far these are normal teething problems for a new app. Thanks - Dan
Frank wrote:
One comment Dan, you have defined a finite Sommerfeld/Norton ground. In
NEC2 the antenna cannot touch the ground unless it is perfect (Unlike EZnec,
with its "Minninec" ground). 2.2204e-16 is, from NEC's point of view, zero.
At the moment I don't know how to address the other problems, but may play
with it later. I have also noticed the problem with the frequencies.
There are instructions provided with the program, but are buried as "Word",
and text, documents in the 4Nec2 folder,and in the sub-folder "exe". The
NEC user manual is also useful, but will only help with NEC code structure.
"dansawyeror" wrote in message
I am experimenting with 4nec2 and these are an elementary questions. I
have been able to create a 'new' model, see below, using the geometry
editor. Here are few questions:
1. when the model loads it shows 4 MHz instead of 144.
2. ground has been set but does not show in the display
3. I am trying to make the middle segment a coil. How is a coil created?
When inserting a helix 4nec2 errors with a divide by zero error? The steps
would be helpful.
4. Adding a source does not seem to take. I am not sure how how to add a
source? How to determine where it is placed?
These are basic, but any help would be appreciated.
Thanks - Dan
GW 1 3 0.05 0 2.2204e-16 0.05 0
0.1 1.29409e-3
GW 2 3 0.05 0 0.225 0.05 0 0.125
GW 3 1 0.05 0 0.125 0.05 0 0.1
GE 1
GN 2 0 0 0 13 6.e-3
FR 0 1 0 0 144 0