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Old January 30th 06, 01:15 AM posted to
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Default On Topic: FCC updates Morse Code Definition

From: on Jan 27, 7:43 pm

From an ARRL email:

"The FCC also revised ?97.3 and 97.309 to update the definition of
International Morse code and of various digital codes in the amateur
rules to reflect changes in the international Radio Regulations."

Brian Burke/N0iMD

Well, not exactly. I should have checked it out before quoting the
ARRL. But the FCC also claims to have revised the definition when only
providing a new pointer...

No biggie. The Commission finally got around to CORRECTING
a few long-standing out-of-date things in Part 97. :-)

In case anyone is bothering to check, I brought up that OUT OF
DATE definition several years ago in here. :-)

That is correct.

From the FCC:

"Sections 97.3 and 97.309: We revise the definition of "International
Morse code" and various digital codes in the Amateur Radio Service
rules because these definitions have been updated in the current Radio
Regulations. Specifically, we note that previous Radio Regulation
references to International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative
Committee Recommendations have been superseded by references to other
recommendations. Accordingly, we revise Sections 97.3(a)(27) and
97.309(a) to conform to the current Radio Regulations definitions."

Heh heh heh. Those "current Radio Regulation definitions" have
been OUT OF DATE for a mere 8+ years (minimum) according to my
oldest paper-printed copy of Title 47 C.F.R. (5 volumes), dated
1997. Newest I have is dated 2005.

What is interesting is that this R&O did NOT make it into the
Federal Register in 2006 or 2005. I've been tracking the Federal
Register since WT Docket 05-235 was opened.

That R&O is NOT on the Amateur Radio page of the Wireless
Telecommunications Bureau at the FCC website. There's only
one current topic shown on that page, the previous one being
from 2002.

If one looks for the current Part 97 regulations from the GPO
all that appears there is the early 2005 version. It isn't
up-to-date for the public.

In general, the public just isn't being notified of the LATEST
information by the Commission.

Apparently one has to go to the Commission's "Consumer" pages
to find out if there are any RMs (petitions) open for content
or even this R&O taking care of updating Part 97!

The VEC surrogates of the FCC continue to deny access to HF frequencies
for a mode that the FCC cannot define.

And they still administer Farnsworth Exams, not mentioned in Part 97 at