Central Electronics 20 A Phase shift question
On 29 Jan 2006 17:02:40 -0800, "Litzendraht" wrote:
That's interesting that you mention using your own voice rather than
injecting a tone for suppression adjustments. A long time ago I thought
about making a continous loop tape using my own voice with a long
"hello" for that very purpose.
This particular 20-A is factory wired and no adjustments have ever
been tweaked with exception the two audio balance pots and the driver
circuits on the upper bands. All the 9mc.RF slugs still have the little
blob of grey paint on the threads. All I've ever done to it was to
replace the cathode resistor in the VOX relay tube. It's value had
crept up and I really had to holler at the mic to get the relay to pull
I use it more often than not barefoot just for fun. It's been a good
rig for the 42 years I've owned it.
Hi John,
Guess we are on the same page for side band suppression adjustments!
I started out building my own phasing rig in the early 60's too. Then
got a 10B and latter a 20A. I have had several 20A's over the years.
Traded them off and a few years I would pick up another one.
The one I have now I drive a pair of 6146's (driving the grids) and
they drive a pair of GG 813's. It is a fun rig.
Over the years I have had various configurations of 1625's in GG that
I used with the 20A as I am sure you have too.
I have a lakeshore vfo too that I need to put on sometime. Picked it
up a few years ago and never hooked it up.
I use the 458 vfo. I was lucky enough to find the 10 meter kit for the
vfo so have that in it too. Although the crystal in the converter
drifts quite a bit. It runs off of unregulated voltage. I need to find
a way to regulate the oscillator some day.
If you haven't done so on your 20A, there was a recommended
modification to put a resistor in series with the relay coil so if the
control tube shorted it would not burn out the relay. That has
happened to several rigs.
Gary K4FMX