more steve contiing his name calling and lies
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January 30th 06, 01:47 PM posted to
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More Markie Mularkie
from arecent exchance with stve
why do you igmagine any of us would want to speak to you?
What do you mean "us", Markie???
you don't know the meaning of the word "US" steve
Sure I do.
then why did you what "us" means?
Re-write that sentence and try again, Markie.
You said "us", a collective plural.
yes I did
You used it incorrectly.
There are many in this forum with whom I have already had an
on-the-air QSO with.
That makes your "us" inaccurate.
no it does not
Yes it does.
Your statement, as you wrote it, was inclusive of all who post
here. Obviosuly that is NOT the case.
Dave (K8MN), Hans (K0HB), and Jim (N2EY), among others ahve all
acknowledged that we've had on-the-air QSO's.
Ergo your statement was and IS false.
Now, if you'd care to specify who "us" is, (*other than the Feeble
Five, only three of whom are licensed and I doubt that two of those
three could get enough RF out to be heard across town...) then your
statement could be ammended to be correct.
the stament was corect as typed
you don't get to to decide who counts as US or not
Sure I do.
I speak English, the same language you purport to use.
Your statement included all who post here by the composition in
which you phrased the statement.
Ergo it was false.
I already have SEVERAL RRAPers in the log. A couple of them more
than twice.
So it means your statement above is wrong.
how so? only if you get to discount real people
You're suggesting I had QSO's with "unreal" people...?!?!
Such as WHO...?!?!?
Neither you nor any of the other Feeble Fivers have been logged
shows we have good taste
As I said above, it just means you can't radiate enough RF to be
heard anywhere.
another lie
I am Todd can I have heard him once or twice ( I don't recall but I
trust the logs of the Thurdays night net from springfield )
He's not in MY log as a QSO.
Frank certainly and has ( or did you redifen the meaning of RF to exclude
You've had a "QSO" with Frank?
likewise Len I don't recall BB mentioning about his home staion
operaion but he was on the air in Somalia proving that you are wrong
wrt to him to
No I'm not.
In all these years I've not heard nor seen a single refrence to
Brian being able to radiate any RF at all from an active station.
Indeed, he's demonstrated some significant confusion about being able
to erect antennas without assistance.
other peoplecertianly here me (or they are lying when they send QSL
So, tell us about all of your on-the-air accomplishments, Markie.
If I remember correctly, your last VHF rig was a couple of those
Ramsey diode-matrix operated kits.
the only
poster to RAAP that might would seem to be Dave(and that is unclear)
or perhaps Hans (although with what you have said abouts Hans it is
hard to imagine he would either
Too late. In the log. QSL's received. Hans' card is one of the
most beautiful QSL cards I've ever seen.
ah so you got his card and then acused him of being a pedo
There's two pedos in this forum, Markie.
not that I know of
Hans is not one of them,
then why di you accuse him of being one
and neither am I.
prove it
Run my NCIC.
Too bad you haven't got one.
I already said why.
no you have not
Yes I have.
Too bad you'll probably never get one.
See above.
done nothign there
More SAD....Situational Awareness Deficiency
Not that I doubt that Hans would send one if asked, it's just
that I doubt the post office will be able to deliver YOURS for him to
reciprocate to......
Hans lives somewhere the Us Mail doesn't go?
No...the US Mail (Us Mail is the "Letters" section of a women's
magazine) won't be able to deliver YOUR card to Hans if your actual
penmanship is even 1/10th as bad as the crap you litter RRAP with.
then you lied again
Your writing sucks.
Steve, K4YZ
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