OM3CPH frequency counter doesn't work?
"xpyttl" wrote in
It Works!
Not quite. The LCD enable and Register Select lines are swapped
between the two circuits. Look carefully -- it is confusing since the
R/W line is the same (and it is between the two). Now, all I had to
go by was Mag's schematic and Peter's source code. I didn't find
either Mag's source or Peter's schematic. But Peter's source does
expect LCDEN and RS to be on the opposite pins to Mag's schematic.
We must be looking at different diagrams. I have f84 pin 1 connected to
LCD 6 and f84 pin 17 connected to LCD 4 on both designs.
What I did was ground LCD 5. It worked for the Mag but not Peter's
My LCD is a standard 2x16 one and the Mag display is broken on 2x8
It's a pretty simple fix to deal with the 2x8. Most 1x16 displays are
2x8 with the two lines side by side. Mag has to add 0x40 when he gets
to the ninth character. Just drop that add and you're good to go.
Which line or area in LCD4CNTR.ASM can I find this extra 0x40 to remove?
Did you compile Peter's source code yourself?
Yes. Back whenever it was I first started playing I may have used his
hex file, that was a long time ago. But I can't resist the urge to
play mself.
Well I recompiled it for me and it works. I will try Peter's hex file
again to see if thats faulty.
Thanks again for the tremendous help.