steve hsit some more
K4YZ wrote:
Frankie of Silliland wrote:
On Thu, 26 Jan 2006 05:03:50 GMT, Dave Heil wrote
in et:
Rather than quoting anything I've written on the subject, you continue
to provide your own thoughts and act as if they're from me. To become a
radio amateur, you must pass required exams.
Wrong. To get an amateur radio license you must pass required exams.
To become a radio amateur all you need to do is be active in the
hobby. Check this out:
amateur -- n. 1. one who does something for pleasure, not for pay.
2. one who is somewhat unskillful. adj. of or done by amateurs.
I don't see anything there about a license or taking tests, do you?
Nice try at wordsmithing.
and you avoid the issue again