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Old January 30th 06, 07:26 PM posted to
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Default FoS is FOS Again...Or Maybe That's "STILL" FOS...?!?!

On 30 Jan 2006 06:47:39 -0800, "K4YZ" wrote:

Frankie of Silliland wrote:
On Thu, 26 Jan 2006 05:03:50 GMT, Dave Heil wrote
in et:

Rather than quoting anything I've written on the subject, you continue
to provide your own thoughts and act as if they're from me. To become a
radio amateur, you must pass required exams.

Wrong. To get an amateur radio license you must pass required exams.
To become a radio amateur all you need to do is be active in the
hobby. Check this out:

amateur -- n. 1. one who does something for pleasure, not for pay.
2. one who is somewhat unskillful. adj. of or done by amateurs.

I don't see anything there about a license or taking tests, do you?

Nice try at wordsmithing.

it work too

Of course Frankie is "all about" trying to "be" things without
going the full measure to "be" those things...Here he's trying to be a
"radio amateur" without REALLY being a Radio Amateur.

where do you get that

he is just comenting here

He tried being a United States Marine without doing all the things
that are required of a Marine, and subsequently got sent home.

as did you you after 18 year

or did get the choice leave or be prosecuted anyway you want it

Seems there's a pattern here.

In the United States (and indeed in the English speaking world) a
Radio Amateur is a person who has passed a set of examinations that
results in the issuance of a Radio Amateur station and/or operator
license by the applicant's government.

say waht authority

Frankie doesn't have one of those. Neither does Lennie.

Neither of them are Radio Amateurs.

They haven't got what it takes.

Steve, K4YZ

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