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Old January 30th 06, 10:29 PM posted to,,
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Default Interested? Start here with the weekly FAQ!


I was considering returning to the hobby, but frankly the view in this
FAQ has put me off.

Anyone care to comment ?

The person who wrote the so-called 'faq' was himself a B licensee for
many years, before taking the morse test and getting an A. The excuse
he trotted out for this - after much prompting about the
more-than-a-decade gap between these two events - was 'an interest in
VHF/UHF techniques'.

Unfortunately for this belated post-justification, he has never
published what he accomplished in that extended period.

It is said that 'empty vessels make the most noise'.

If you want to return to the hobby, then do so and enjoy it. Do not be
put off by someone who doesn't believe there is such a thing as 'slope
detection', or who sold an FT-101 because the tune-up pages were
missing from the manual.....don't ask......

Aero Spike