Interested? Start here with the weekly FAQ!
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January 30th 06, 10:37 PM posted to,,
Mike Andrews
Posts: n/a
Interested? Start here with the weekly FAQ!
"One group of people who claim to be of the standard of
Radio Hams but who are in reality nothing more than an
apology for the failure of a CBer are those class B
licensees who falsely proclaimed that they were against
the use of a Morse Test to control access to the HF
bands, until, that is, a test was introduced at their
intellectual level, the intellectual level of 6-year-olds. "
Hold on a mo. I'm a class B licence holder - G8LIR, and have been for,
oh about 30 years I think. My main interest was in fast scan ATV on 70
Cms and 23cms, and with a small team we competed in many ATV contests,
setting new (and I think unbroken) records. All our equipment was home
built - yes I do mean ALL - including narrow band ATV receivers
utilising inline cavities and integrating receivers to subtract noise
and reveal lost images when only a weak sync pulse was available. We
also DESIGNED and built the linear amplifiers using 4cx250's in push
pull, with 2kv on the anodes and tuneable cavities (not copied
designs). And, oh yes, we designed filters using laplace transforms to
calculate the correct vaues for the inductors, wound them ourselves and
tuned then with second hand spectrum analysers.
Now to me, that level of technical expertise speaks to a certain
intellectual level over a 6 year olds.
I was considering returning to the hobby, but frankly the view in this
FAQ has put me off.
Anyone care to comment ?
Yes, indeed.
You can discount without loss anything the writer of that so-called
"FAQ" has written, is writing, or will ever write. He attempts to
demean people who have attained heights he can't even see, much less
comprehend. He has nothing to say, and insists on doing so at length.
Don't let him put you off anything. Jump in; the water's fine.
Mike Andrews W5EGO
Tired old sysadmin
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