dumb advice to Todd
N9OGL wrote:
Toiddie's bragging about his kiddie porn sites, his blatant hatred
and disrespect for law enforcement at all levels, and his wanton
flaunting of his violations of numerous federal laws and regulations is
the LAST thing he needs!
Steve I don't have a Kiddy Porn site, I have a Japanese Animation site.
That portrays prepubescent characters participating in adult-like
sex acts.
Keep telling yourself that, Toiddie.
Secondly I've never been disrespectful towards
law enforcement I don't know where your getting that from
I get if FROM you, including the 2 billion times you've used the
"F" word in reference to FAA and FCC personnel. I also have several
posts of yours wherein you suggested local LE personnel were ####ing
idiots, along with several other socially disrespectful things to say
about them.
and this
wanton violation of federal law which you have yet to prove is also
I don't need to prove anything.
YOU are the one who bragged about flying an illegally modified
There's nothing "frivilous" about flying an illegally modified
aircraft, even if it is "only" Part 103.
Steve, K4YZ