steve lies some
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January 30th 06, 10:32 PM posted to
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More Markie Mularkie
No...It puts his stupid behaviour in front of FEDERAL
who will ignore it
HE sends a letter to the feds and they ignore it...?!?!
Whoooooooooooooohooooooooooooooo ! ! ! !
Markie, the LAST thing Toiddie wants to do is send ANYthing to ANY
law enforcement agency that even remotely rubs HIS misdeeds in their
noses, and that's EXACTLY what will happen!
no misdeeds to rub there noses in
OK, Markie...if you say so.
glad you agree
or are you lying again
Nope. Being sarcastic. There IS a difference.
I've provided you quotes of his stupid stuff and references to the
specific federal regulations he's flaunting.
one Todd is of course going to tell his side of the story
Sure he is.
you forget the accused get to speak I know you hate that
Never once forgot it.
That's why I will be providing HIS words from archived sources!
You can try to pooh-pooh it off all you want, but it won't change
the material you are calling kiddy porn has been ruled not to be
Not to be WHAT...?!?!
ruled not be the sentenc eagain in full" the material you are calling
kiddy porn has been ruled not to be "
"sentenc eagain"...
E N G L I S H ! ! ! ! ! ! !
perfectly good english
No, it wasn't.
Real smart to wave in LE's face...?!?!
no porblem they will see through you in a minute the monet you say
Uh huh.
Markie, unfortunately I ahve to deal with Children's Protective
Services in the course of my employ EVERY WEEK at least once or twice.
I've had a chance to discuss Toddie's "animee"-vs-pono.
If Toiddie lived in TN and the CPS knew he was into this, and
there were kids in his home, CPS would be on him like white on rice...
And they inform me that this is pretty much SOP everywhere...
Like I said...they view animee porno as the "Where There's Smoke,
There's Fire" syndrome.
That's a "Where There's Smoke There's Fire" thing.
not really they may look his stuff but they know the deal
They know the animee itself won't get him popped.
But it DOES get his name "on the list".
you are just some religous zeolot...SNIP
"religious" "zealot"
Nope. I just think all forms of "entertainment" that portray any
hint or suggestion of children being used for the sexual gratification
of any person shold be destroyed, and the producers, providers and
purveyors of it should be publically executed.
And that's my liberal point of view.
(UNSNIP)...and then they consider if they want to" Martha Stewar"t you
Did that mean something?
You're equating child pornography with insider stock dealings?
Toiddie's bragging about his kiddie porn sites, his blatant hatred
and disrespect for law enforcement at all levels, and his wanton
flaunting of his violations of numerous federal laws and regulations is
the LAST thing he needs!
he has done nothing of the sort except display a certain disrepect of
Law Enforemment but then that is not a crime
His "disrespect" will just be icing on the cake.
not realy the Fed esp know most of us don't like em, hell the feds
know tmost of the State and Local Cops don't like em
And they ALL hate a smart mouthed punk who tries to rub his
"rights" to justify child pronography" in thier faces.
Steve, K4YZ
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