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Old February 2nd 06, 07:09 AM posted to
Dr. Anton T. Squeegee
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Default Double Super Hetrodyne what does this do in a CB Radio ?

In article , SeaView-
(known to some as Captain Crane) scribed...

Hi, Does anyone know What Double Super Hetrodyne does in a CB radio.


Yes. It gives the marketing dweebs something to write about.

I have a GE 40 channel cb and it has Double Super Hetrodyne.

There is a possibility -- a very weak one -- that this bizarre
market-speak means that the radio was designed with a double-conversion
receiver. It's impossible to say without seeing a schematic.

Why anyone would put that much effort and expense into a CB radio,
however, is beyond me. I think you're running into nothing more that
marketing buzzwords. "Double Super Heterodyne" certainly has no meaning
in the technical world.

Dr. Anton T. Squeegee, Director, Dutch Surrealist Plumbing Institute
(Known to some as Bruce Lane, KC7GR) -- kyrrin a/t bluefeathertech d-o=t calm
"Salvadore Dali's computer has surreal ports..."