Okay I see.. problems problems! grin
When I first started playing with TCP/IP over packet maybe 12 years ago
we did all we could to stop ARP broadcasts in our local subnet. All of
the users had static ARP tables for that reason. We also had static host
lookups. More recently I was involved in an IP over satellite
paging/short message system where our initial bandwidth allocation was
very small (3kb/sec). I made a lot of noise over that setup and
suggested that if the b/w was unchangable then we should use static ARP
tables. They increased the b/w instead, as a manual maintenance of an IP
networks ARP's is a huge task!
If you arent intent on using busybox you may want to try the Knoppix run
from CD version that has the amateur radio add-ons.
re PPP and HDX/FDX. Well in a way you are simply shifting the HDX
switching back to the computer instead of using the radio hardware. I'd
suspect that in the end you wouldnt do any better. I am however prepared
to be shot down over this!
I wonder if SLIP is any better handling HDX? It has less protocol
overhead as well.. (from memory) Not sure about compression though.
I have an application of sorts for this same mind of thing. My mother in
law lives about 500 yards away just over the brow of a hill. There are
also lots of trees! I doubt 2.4GHz will work and was looking at
something with at least 115K throughout to connect her PC to our
network. What has been your experience with the 900MHz gear and how well
does it do with path obstacles? Oh and what did the units cost?
Tnxs for the info on tcpdump. One day when I get back to radio...
Cheers Bob W5/VK2YQA East Texas
Bob, thanks a lot for your help.