Originally Posted by Phil Nelson
How often does one see a National NC-155?
For what it's worth, the Ostermann shortwave book describes it as "scarce."
By comparison, the Hallicrafters SX-73 is described as "very scarce," and
the SX-88 as "extremely scarce."
As for performance, I have never used one. The book says it is double
conversion, 10 tubes.
Phil Nelson
NC-155 was one of the National Cosmic Blue receivers
had one for a few years, back in the mid 80's
performance, better than most cheap receivers
but nothing special
Drake 2A,2B, Hallcrafters SX 117 will run rings around it
cosmic blue line did not became popular
National had some back cover ads
for the Cosmic blue receivers mid 60's 73 magazine
in 40 years only seen 4 or 5 of them in the flesh
mac w8znx