Gortons and Whaling
by Greenpeace 4:40pm Fri Feb 3 '06 (Modified on 7:19pm Fri Feb 3 '06)
Greenpeace, along with Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) and the
Humane Society, revealed the link between the whaling in the Southern
Ocean and Gortons. We revealed that the Japanese parent company that
wholly owns Gortons, Nippon Suissan, also partly owns the whaling fleet
whose boats depart every year to hunt whales in Antarctica.
Gortons and Whaling Today
This year the Japanese whaling fleet plans to take 935 Minke whales and
50 each of the endangered fin and humpback whales. Greenpeace is
opposed to this senseless slaughter and is asking Gortons and Nissui to
use their influence over the whaling fleet to end the hunting.
What links Gortons and Whaling?
As the diagram shows Gortons is a wholly owned subsidiary of Nippon
Suisan Kaisha. Nippon Suisan Kaisha also holds 30% of a company called
Kodo Senpaku, which owns the Japanese Whaling Fleet. It is important to
realise that there is only one Japanese whaling fleet, the fleet is not
one of many, or part of a large industry, it is the single commercial
whaling fleet hunting in the Southern oceans and if we can stop it, the
whales will be saved. It's as easy as that.
Gortons and Whaling, The Future
It is our hope that the management of Gortons can put pressure on
Nissui Suissan Kaisha, and that they in turn will put pressure on the
whalers, Kodo Senpaku, convincing them to put the fleet to better uses.
What might those better uses be?
Well we know that whale watching has proved a lucrative industry in
many parts of the world, far more profitable than the loss-making
business of killing whales, freezing the meat and failing to sell it.
We'd suggest that the whaling fleet devote itself to educating tourists
about whales, because as we and the whales know only too well, there's
no-one as good at spotting whales as the whaling fleet.
What can you do about Gortons and Whaling?
In the mean time you can help us. You can write to Gortons about
whaling, and ask them to live up to their reputation as a caring and
responsible family firm,and put pressure on their owners and the
whalers to change their business.
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