more lies form Robeson
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February 3rd 06, 06:01 PM posted to
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why does steve lie and why does Mr Slit cover for him
###raped an_old_underaged boyfriend wrote:
N0VFP wrote:
raped an Old underaged boyfriend wrote:
more forgery and stupid stuff this time
Mainly from you, Markie.......
nope I never make a stupid forgery
Sure you do.
You call everyone in here you don't like "steve".
that not a forgery
Oh, so you admit being a clueless imbecile.
There's one for starters.
nor is it even a lie I don't know who out there is you or not or is
naed steveof not
Try posting again when you sober up, fool.
was sober then and still am
thank a lot steve all your handiwork hope you are proud
You think I'm Steve?
no I don't think you are steve Robeson, if you could read youd know
But that's what you wrote, Markie.
no it is not
Yes, it is. Check out the subject line of your post.
can't with the away you all play with em
I just called him steve
I have sais he might as well be you if he is not
No, backpedaler, you claimed I was Steve.
no i just called you steve
you don't give us a real name so I applied one
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