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Old February 3rd 06, 10:32 PM posted to,,
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"W8LNA" wrote in message
G4KFK wrote:
Orator For Decency wrote:

Oral eater for desense EE?

You are the very model of a newsgroup personality.
You intersperse stupidity with tedious banality.
Psudonyms you've plenty of; both genuine and ghosted, too,
On all the countless newsgroups that your drivel is cross-posted to.
Our bandwidth you will fritter with your whining and your snivelling,
And we're the ones who pay the bills, downloading all your drivelling.
Your enemies are numerous, and no-one would be blaming us
For cracking your head open after you've been rudely flaming us.
You hate to lose an argument (by now you should be used to it).
You wouldn't know a valid point if you were introduced to it.
Your learning is extensive but consists of mindless trivia,
Designed to fan your ego, which is larger than Bolivia.
The comments that you vomit forth, disguised as jest and drollery,
Are really just an exercise in unremitting trollery.
You say you're frank and forthright, but that's merely lies and vanity,

The gibberings of one who's on the limits of his sanity.

With apologies to Gilbert and Sullivan :-)

I rather think they'd like it, it certainly brings on a few chuckles.

Behaving like a stupid boy,

So some ones an IR8 King then
