I listened to Chuck Harder on my Radio for about twenty something
years.First he was on WMPQ AM Radio station here in Jackson,then he went
to Shortwave Radio broadcasting,then he went to Satellite broadcasting.I
kept on listening.(but I have never heard him broadcasting via Satellite
before) If he is back,I say that is Good.
www.chuckharder.com One day,Chuck Harder was working on one of his
Satellite dishes,he slipped down off of the ladder and fell down on his
knees,the health/medical outfit he went to kept on delaying things and
the cartilage (whatever it is called) stuff in his knees set up as hard
as concrete,thanks to fed govt so-called health/medical care.I used to
listen to Bo Gritz on Shortwave Radio too,I can't find him (Bo Gritz) on
the Radio anymore.Chuck Harder and Bo Gritz rate Top Notch in my Book.