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Old February 4th 06, 05:24 AM posted to
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Default Pulley Arrangement For Horiz. Antenna ?

... was wondering if any of you folks have a real clever solution for this:
... [snipping pulley and weight vs. spring discussion...]

Instead of pulleys, I use a fairly-large (they come in several sizes)
screw-in glass insulators like you might use when running a power line;
they are easy to install, plenty strong enough, there's no danger of
the rope slipping off the pulley wheel, and they are smooth enough that
I've never had a rope break because of chafing.

And instead of weights, I use one/two/three/... (as many as I think the
length and weight of wire needs) screen-door-type springs; they're cheap
and seem to last forever. They can be overstretched, but they're cheap....

If you do use a weight, be sure to tie it up (loosely) in such a way that
if the antenna breaks, the weight won't clobber someone who just happens
to be standing below it!
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