Uses of The 4th Dimension (New Discovery by The Human Race!)
this seems like "lucid dreaming". lucid dreaming is true in this aspect,
you can dream in a manner that leaves you semi-conscious and your will
does play a controlling part. sort of like a director influencing the
setting and tone of a movie that he is responsible for. lucid dreaming
takes rock solid and razor sharp mental discipline (that i no longer
possess) and is very dangerous. the dreams seem very real and
convincing. its easy to believe that they are real experiences and soon
you can loose your place in reality. its just like becoming addicted to
drugs but there is no end to the supply of drugs. its all an illusion,
a very amusing and realistic illusion. the author of this post is an
example, he starts something that we all instinctively recognise as
silly and juvenile. now he believes that the dreams are a real place in
space and time instead of a sub-conscious fantasy. from our vantage
point he looks self-deluded. if he is not already insane then soon he
could be lost, unable to believe our reality and preferring the control
and amusement provided by his reality. it looks silly now, but can
rapidly progress to life threatening delusional behavior. dangerous
play, very dangerous.