Boatanchors and estates: Ideas?
I would expect than other than other individuals there is no
organization that would know what the stuff is. I believe you had better
sell it before you depart which will probably but them in good homes for
at least a while.
It seems to be that libraries throw books away, museums auctioned stuff
off or keep stuff in buildings that leak or basements that are full of
mildew so that is left?
Smokey wrote:
This isn't exactly a pleasant subject but I am interested if anyone has any
suggestions of organization that are interested in complete boatanchors
estates. I have contacted one organization which is very selective and I
believe if someone is generous enough to put in their will that they will
bequeeth their whole ham station to an organization there should at least
be a little enthusiasm on the part of the organization. Does anyone know of
any good causes to whom a person can donate his prized equipment, QSLs,
tools etc etc where it will be treasured and appreciated after I am gone?
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