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Old February 6th 06, 07:15 PM posted to
Frank Dresser
Posts: n/a
Default True prediction on SW -- is BPL next?

As a caller predicted on Joyce and Dave's Power Hour , over a month ago, the
Pittsburgh Steelers won the Super Bowl!

The prediction was not an end in itself, but a means to enhance the caller's
claim to Insider Globalist Knowledge. He said he was told, not just the
chosen Super Bowl winner, but the primary purpose for BPL. BPL isn't
actually intended to bring internet access to millions, but it's intended to
ruin people's health -- even kill them -- in order for the Globalists to
steal their property.

OK, "BPL will kill you" is an extraordinary statement which ought to have an
extraordinary level of support to deserve any sort of credibility at all.
But, why is BPL still around? BPL has shown little but failure in one trial
after another. It hasn't been able to reliably move large volumes of data
economically, at least over the long term. BPL stumbles like some
canvasback bum-of-the-month, yet it's still treated as a serious contender.
Could there really be a hidden adgenda?

A true prediction on SW radio is beyond extraordinary. It may be unique.
I'm starting to worry.

I'm sure I have enough tinfoil for a hat. I fear I might need enough for a
complete suit.

Frank Dresser