Boatanchors and estates: Ideas?
Rarely does a museum really need some piece of equipment. A donation means
storing it somewhere and then ultimately disposing of it under less than
ideal circumstances.
If you need a write off, then give it to a charitable organization that is
geared up to sell it on eBay to the highest bidder. That will assure that
it will be properly displayed and revered. If you do not need the money,
give it to someone who will appreciate it. Do so while you are still alive
to avoid having a family member overwhelmed with a pile of what they
consider junk.
I had aggressive cancer 10 years ago. Sold most of the stuff to a friend
and retained visitation rights. Kept a few things. Then, I fully
recovered. It took me almost 5 years to accumulate as much or more than I
had the first time around.
73, Colin K7FM