"Dr.Death" wrote:
"Steveo" wrote in message
"DrDeath" wrote:
"Steveo" wrote in message
"DrDeath" wrote:
Went rock climbing yesterday. Blew my knee out on the way down.
Dang, hope it's not too serious.
More torn cartalage. This will make knee surgery number 3.
Arthroscopic repair?
That's what I had the first two times. I'll know more tommorow when I see
the doc, but I can feel the cartilage catching when I walk so I expect
another scope session.
That's pretty slick how they can fix a guy up like that and you're back on
your feet in almost no time. Good luck with it.
like I'm gonna have some free time on my hands, so I took dogie off
my killfile list. Let the games begin. LOL
That ****tard has serious issues. He will answer for them someday.
Yup, hope someone catches it on video so I can enjoy what's coming to
It will be a short film. He invited me over to his slum, he said he was
"going to put me face down in a hurting extreme and take pictures of my
bumped up noggin". So I went there and all he would do is stand there
in the doorway of his HUD apartment with this dumbass look on his face,
too chicken-**** to come outside and say anything to my face.
He's the biggest coward I've ever seen.
And the fugliest.