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Old July 19th 03, 04:23 PM
Posts: n/a

Hello Peter,

I saw again your negative comments.

Renember my diamond info is based on dBi,
2,15 less and you get dbd.

Do you think diamond want to risk there name to
put some false gain numbers on the antenna?

If a antenne does not do what it is expect to do
we can claim the money back.
Do you realy think diamond would take that risk?

Why do you think diamond has verry expensive
measure equipment?

Im wondering were your homepage is, I asume
everything must be perfect on your homepage.
So maybe you done a lot of work too (like i did),
so there might be some intresting info? (let us know!).
I saw it wasn't ready on server.


"Peter Völpel" schreef in bericht
c schrieb:

Hello All,

I have comparisation information from 20 different
Diamond antennas (verticals).
For the bands: 50/144/430/1200Mhz.
Compare the gain and the length.

All information is to see in a nice chart! (Click on technics).

73's Cor

That table is just a lot of bull****, those figures are completely
useless and far away from truth...
I wonder why you post this useless info into 5 newsgroups without
verifying the figures.
Are you paid by diamond?

By the way, your menu is still not visible with netscape navigator...
