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Old February 9th 06, 05:22 AM posted to
- exray -
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Default Boatanchors and estates: Ideas?

Straydog wrote:

This kind of thing, it seems to me, might well be something the ARRL/QST
should be willing to shed a little more light and help on. Anyone know
if it has been suggested to ARRL to welcome, for example, at regional
hamfests some kind of large auction of such gear?

Well and good but someone has to "manage" it. Their 'compensation' may
come as being the guy who has first pick.

In my case, if I keel over tomorrow, the XYL knows who to call to help
get rid of my stuff. If Guy A doesn't want to mess with it she also
knows Guy B.

Anybody who has a houseload of radio junk and a family should have a
clue given as to how to unload the stuff. Thats what friends are for.
Same as if you have a dozen St. Bernard puppies@!

Pick your best radio friend and hope he doesn't die before you.
