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Old February 10th 06, 03:27 AM posted to
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Default Sheraton Hotel Security frequencies


Nope - its not the Bal Harbour, its the Sheraton Miami Mart Hotel
(711 NW 72nd Avenue Miami, Florida 33126 United States) right
next to the Intenational Airport.

I did not find it in the database you suggested, but maybe I did
something wrong.

I searched a bit more too. Nothing. ;-(

I even tried with Lat/Long he
[25.46.35 Lat 80.18.45 (Deg.Min.Sec)]

Also - what if they use frequencies which do
not requiere FCC licenses (say FRS or MURS)?

I suspect they would not be on any list then? You'd just have to
search within the freq ranges.

Any ideas?

I wonder if all the local Sheridan's share the same frequency (and
the same license). Maybe the Bal Harbour is the licensor for all
locals. Maybe they share the same (subcontracted) security service?
Maybe you could gather all the FCC listed freq's for Sheraton's.
(I'm just guessing here, maybe someone more knowledgeable can offer
some more informed advice)

PS: when I find out I will come back and post. We do need to
know ;-)

Good luck. Let us know if you hear anything fun.

(Last Christmas someone called the police because "someone was
messing with their Christmas reindeer". Soon after the policeman
arrived on scene he reported "the reindeer are no longer

I love scanning. ;-)