Thread: No DX ?
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Old July 19th 03, 03:33 PM
Old DXer
Posts: n/a

Jackie is correct. Whether male or female, posting your name, callsign, and
e-mail address is an invitation to real harassment by the nuts.

In addition to harassment. they can sign you up for undesirable mail, chat
rooms, singles, porno, etc that you never want to receive. Even phone calls
from the nuts once they track you down. Has happened to several decent
posters I know of -- including this old DXer.

One Ham here had a face to face confrontation with a wacko that stalked him.
Sad fact of the times.

Being anon does not detract from the credibility of ones posts. So what if
you give your name and callsign -- you can be as wrong as any anon poster.

Back to the subject, yes DX is getting tougher with the conditions at
present, but going lower in frequency, improving antennas, and above all
persistence will still net some interesting DX.

"Jackie" wrote in message
So you keep on saying (three times at the last count).

Sorry... my ISP burped this morning. I only hit the "send" button once,

the message was held up in a queue until it finally posted later on--

However, it would be much more informative to your readers if you
would have indicated your callsign, or at least say where you are
located. All that South Pacific stuff would be very nice DX if you
are located in Central Europe, but not much of a challenge if you are
in Southern California or New Zealand.

I understand, but I will not post my callsign on Usenet, because there are
creeps lurking on Usenet groups who can look up my address and other
pertinent information on various callsign databases. I would perhaps not

as concerned if I weren't female.

So, as far as location goes, I live in the north-central part of the

States, very close to the Canadian border. About as close to the

center of North America as one can get... pretty far from any oceans!
