July 19th 03, 11:18 PM
"Old DXer" Old wrote in message
news %bSa.3342$ff.2160@fed1read01...
In addition to harassment. they can sign you up for undesirable mail, chat
rooms, singles, porno, etc that you never want to receive.
I really hate to have to remain anonymous, but spammers have utterly taken
control of the inboxes of many people, and I only get an average of one or
two spam-mails per day. Lately, most of them have been from the 419 scammers
in Nigeria, Cote d'Ivoire and Togo... I just pass 'em on to the 419
investigation section of the U.S. Treasury, though I'm not sure how much
good that's doing to keep the frauds at bay.
This is off-topic, but if you want to have a really good laugh, find out how
one savvy fellow with a great sense of humor (and, apparently, a lot of time
his hands) gets even with spammers... you'll bust a gut reading some of his
replies to spammers, especially his ongoing dialogues with some doofus
Nigerian frauds who weren't able to tell that he was stringing them along...
Way up nort', dere, not too durned far from da tundra.