nierveze wrote:
I plan to do use it to do radio-astronomy ,yes it may seem a fool
project ,but one part of my hobby besides radio-amateur is
radio-astronomy ,and I wanted to use a receiver like they were at
the beginning of radio-astronomy on vhf just to know what was received
from the sun at that time .This is why I'd like to have the schematic
with values of resistors ,condensers etc,and the
connectors ,so I can use it and repair it .
Thanks very much,best 73 alain f1gqb
Good luck with the project. I also used a 522 on 2 meters. As I recall,
they were OK in their day, but pretty insensitive by today's standards.
On the other hand, the sun is a pretty powerful transmitter! ;-)
Have you tried copying Jupiter? It's around 21 MHz; nice web site about
it. Do a web search for "Project Jove".
Carter K8VT