Thread: scr522-bc624
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Old February 13th 06, 09:56 PM posted to
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Default scr522-bc624

nierveze wrote:
I plan to do use it to do radio-astronomy ,yes it may seem a fool
project ,but one part of my hobby besides radio-amateur is
radio-astronomy ,and I wanted to use a receiver like they were at
the beginning of radio-astronomy on vhf just to know what was received
from the sun at that time .This is why I'd like to have the schematic
with values of resistors ,condensers etc,and the
connectors ,so I can use it and repair it .
Thanks very much,best 73 alain f1gqb

You might ask some of the older members of your local radio amateur
community for information and drawings of the 522. It was a very
popular set amongst hams in the post War years.

I am surprised that you will be attempting radio-astronomy work with
the BC 624. As someone mentioned, it is not a very sensitive receiver.
Most amateurs that used it began by rebuilding the front end for lower
noise and higher gain. One chap mentioned substituting 6AG5 tubes for
the 9003's. I used 6AK5's. It is a 4 channel crystal controlled unit
and perhaps for your purpose, just a few channels may be
acceptable.There are some simple changes that will allow it to be
continuously tunable from 100 to 156 Mhz without having to use quartz

I'm sorry that I do not have ability to scan and forward information.

It might be of interest, when I was in the military, one of our search
radars operated in the "S" band (around 3000 Mhz), and I found if I
raised the antenna elevation and aimed towards the sun there was a most
dramatic increase in receiver noise.

Good luck with your project.